Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #97

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spines. This is a cool way to spotlight a upcoming release that you're anxious about, as well as checking out what other book lovers are anticipating as well. Here's what I'm waiting for:

18607157A Blind Spot for Boys
by Justina Chen
Release date: August 12th 2014
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Synopsis via Goodreads

Shana has always had a blind spot for boys. Can she trust the one who's right in front of her?

Sixteen-year-old Shana Wilde is officially on a Boy Moratorium. After a devastating breakup, she decides it's time to end the plague of Mr. Wrong, Wrong, and More Wrong.

Enter Quattro, the undeniably cute lacrosse player who slams into Shana one morning in Seattle. Sparks don't just fly; they ignite. And so does Shana's interest. Right as she's about to rethink her ban on boys, she receives crushing news: Her dad is going blind. 

Quattro is quickly forgotten, and Shana and her parents vow to make the most of the time her father has left to see. So they travel to Machu Picchu, and as they begin their trek, they run into none other than Quattro himself. But even as the trip unites them, Quattro pulls away mysteriously... Love and loss, humor and heartbreak collide in this new novel from acclaimed author Justina Chen.

18769257For Real
by Alison Cherry
Release date: December 9th 2014
Publisher: Delacorte Press

Synopsis via Goodreads:
No parents. No limits. No clue what they're in for.

Shy, cautious Claire has always been in her confident older sister's shadow. While Miranda's life is jam-packed with exciting people and whirlwind adventures, Claire gets her thrills vicariously by watching people live large on reality TV.

When Miranda discovers her boyfriend, Samir, cheating on her just before her college graduation, it's Claire who comes up with the perfect plan. They'll outshine Miranda's fame-obsessed ex while having an amazing summer by competing on Around the World, a race around the globe for a million bucks. Revenge + sisterly bonding = awesome.

But the show has a twist, and Claire is stunned to find herself in the middle of a reality-show romance that may or may not be just for the cameras. This summer could end up being the highlight of her life... or an epic fail forever captured on film. In a world where drama is currency and manipulation is standard, how can you tell what's for real?

Why I'm Waiting

The first one seems like a cross between intense and romantic and I'm kind of intrigued by that. As for the second book, I'm always in the mood for some sibling read and Alison Cherry seems like a good writer for coming up with cute and fun stories.

What are you waiting for?


  1. This is my first time hearing about A Blind Spot for Boys and now it's been added to my TBR list! Something about it reminds me of Nicholas Spark's The Last Song! For Real sounds interesting but I'm not sure if it'll hold my interesting. Great picks!

    My WoW

  2. Those are new to me ones! Not my kinds of read but still hope you enjoy them both!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I'm a big contemporary YA reader so these two are right up my alley! I'm especially interested in For Real. It sounds fun. Great picks, Shane! I hope you enjoy them :)

    1. I know what you mean. We just can't get enough of YA contemporary :)

  4. Great picks! I'm really excited for the Alison Cherry one. Love her work!

  5. These both sound awesome! I just saw First Real for the first time the other day, and it looks super cute. A Blind Spot for Boys is totally new to me, and I've already added it to my TBR list. :D Great picks this week, Shane!

  6. For Real sounds like a really fun read, added it to my TBR list. I haven’t heard of either book before, thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy them both :)

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

  7. These look intense....especially Blind Spot for Boys....and I love your hourglass logo. Fun!

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  8. These both sound really good. Hope you get to read them soon.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

  9. These both are new to me, and they both sound like great reads - especially Blind spot for Boys where part of the story takes place at Machu Picchu. How cool is that! :)

  10. Ahhhhhh For Real sounds like a contemporary romance happening on The Amazing Race--which I adore! Must read! :D

    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Never seen Amazing Race (I know that's sad) but I like the relation :)

      Thanks for stopping by as well!

  11. Haven't heard of these but both sound pretty cute! Hope you enjoy them and thanks for stopping by :)

  12. These both look like very engaging, sweet reads :)Probably be adding them to my ever-growing TBR pile!
    Thanks for swinging by my blog.

  13. Both sound like perfect, cute summer reads!
    Thanks for sharing & stopping by Bookmunchies (:

  14. i need to get my hands on blind spot for boys. it's calling my name!

    hope you can stop by my WoW Post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  15. Both of these books look pretty good. It's my first time hearing of them and I will be looking more into them. Great picks!

    My WoW!

  16. Hmmm, I've very curious about the second one cause it made me think of The Amazing Race and I love that show! =D

  17. I haven't heard about A Blind Spot for Boys but it sounds like a great romance. I can't wait for For Real either but I'm kind of disappointed because it will come out in the winter, really who wants to read a summer book in the winter? I hope I'll be in the mood to read it because it sounds like such a fun read. Nice choices. :)

  18. Both of these books sounds really good, thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping by my WoW earlier. :)

  19. I really like the plot of "For Real"! It sure looks like the perfect summer read. Too bad it's coming out in December...... Although, for readers in Miami, Florida, that might not make much of a difference; we have gotten temps in the 80s before, even in December! Lol.

    I also like the other book, except for the fact that Shana's dad is going blind. That sounds much too sad for me; I'm a VERY sensitive person. I do like the fact that they go to Machu Pichu, though. I'm totally fascinated by ruins and ancient civilizations!

    Happy Wednesday, and I hope you enjoy these when they're released! Thanks for dropping by my WOW and commenting!! : )

  20. The second one sounds great for a beach read or at least for some light reading. The first one sounds more emotional and I can't make up my mind if Quattro sounds a little bit like a jerk from the blurb, but maybe there is more to him than that. Either way, I hope you enjoy the books. Here's MY WoW

  21. I enjoy contemps, so both of these sound really good to me. I added A Blind Spot For Boys to my Goodreads tbr a while back, but I haven't kept track of when it was releasing. I'll have to check out For Real. Thanks for sharing! Thanks for stopping by My WoW.

  22. Haven't seen either of those books, but they both look really good! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Both of these sound like really fun summer reads! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Nemo @ Blame it on the Book

  24. Nice picks! Both look like fun reads, especially For Real. Thanks for sharing!

  25. I haven't heard of either of these, but they sound good! Great picks. :)

    Thanks for stopping by My WOW!

  26. Both new to me and both not added to my to-read list! Blind Spot for Boys sounds like a sweet romance with some heavy emotional family issues as well. A trip to Machu Picchu sounds amazing and curious why Quarttro happens to be there as well! For Real sounds like fun with their Around The World contest and sisterly bonding! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!

    Jennifer @ Some Like It Paranormal

  27. Hmmm, I've never heard of these two! I hope you enjoy them when you read them :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  28. I haven't heard of these, but they do sound interesting! Thanks for sharing them :)
    -Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  29. I am such a lover of contemporary, and these sound so awesome!!! Great choices Shane!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by YA Book Addict. Have an awesome week!! :)

  30. These two sound really interesting. I haven't heard of the first one but I've come across the second one on Goodreads and it was also featured by some bloggers for WoW in the past. I don't get to read much books about sisters but the premise of the second book is really intriguing. Great picks Shane! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my WoW :)

  31. These sound like a lot of fun! I can't get enough of contemporary reads at the moment :) Enjoy both of them!

  32. Great picks, they both sound kind of cute :D

  33. These seem like cute, fun reads. I really like the sound of the second one. Thanks for sharing :)

  34. Ooh, I haven't heard of either of these, but I'm always game for fun and cute! :) Great picks!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  35. Covers with models aren't my favorite usually but A Blind Spot For Boys have a lovely cover - and synopsis sounds intriguing. Great pick and the other one sounds nice, too :)

    Henna @ Howling for Books

  36. I haven't heard of either of these before but they sound interesting. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog!

  37. These are both new to me Shane, but they sound great!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  38. I'm very excited for For Real! It just looks like a fun read. Plus, I love that cover. :)

  39. They both sound great.
    Thanks for sharing and visiting my WoW!


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