Hey ya'll!
I'm pleased to announce that I'll be hosting the USA/Canada Blog Teams on the Raven in the Grave's teaser tour. This is the third installment in the awesome Pretty in Black series by Rae Hachton. See the details below:
From September 15 - December 15, Rae Hachton will release book teasers from the Forthcoming New Book in the series, as well as teasers from the previous two books in the series.
Statement from Author:
I am a big music person, I need music in order to write. But, more than that, each song on the Pretty in Black series soundtrack has more significance than just being a song on the soundtrack. Each one played an important role in the creation of the book. I want to tie each teaser into one of the songs on the soundtrack and talk about how that particular song played a role in the creation of the series/book.
But, I also want to discuss, in mini-segments the creation "Behind the Book." There was soooo much that went into each book, and I want to be able to also talk about those things.
So, this will be one big "Behind the Book."
Each Teaser will tie into one of the songs from the Book Soundtrack, as music has played Major part in the creation of this book series.
Along with the Music & Teasers, she will also discuss in mini-segments, how each song she chose played a role in the creation of the series, how the concept for the book emerged more. A Question about the book will be answered per song.
[Full Details to Come Closer to Tour Date]
The Tour will start with Pretty in Black and lead up to Raven in the Grave teasers.
Open to Bloggers, Readers, Fans
USA & Internationally
~Tour Schedule Extras~
Rafflecopter Giveaway of 5 swag packs which includes the book posters
The Trailers for Pretty in Black and Black Satin
The Raven in the Grave Official Book Trailer Release
A Surprise Release to Unveil sometime during the Tour
Ends with An Excerpt from Raven in the Grave
~Blogger Info~
Tour to Be Divided into Three Teams:
One Team For Each Book. A Blogger can Join more than One Team.
Each Blogger on Each Team will Post one of the Songs/Discussions/Q&A/Teaser segments
sometime during the month of each book mini-tour.
September: Pretty in Black *Trailer for Raven in the Grave to release at end of month*
October: Black Satin
November: Raven in the Grave
Fill out this form if you'd like to sign-up
International Bloggers Welcome & Encouraged.
Tour to Start with Book One, to allow those readers who have not heard of Pretty in Black
to understand the Upcoming Teasers in the Raven in the Grave tour, and to be able
to enjoy the Extra Segments of the Book.
There will be a USA Team and hopefully some International Teams.
Will Announce the USA/International Blogs/Teams in Upcoming Weeks.
All Songs/Mini-Discussions/Q&A/Teasers will be mailed to all participating bloggers
before the start of Tour.
As the author composes the Topics of the Tour, she will send the Topic/Song List to each Blog
Team so they can decide which blogger will post what Topic.
Each team, in each country, can post the Topics from Each Book at different Intervals.
Full Schedule Will be Posted on the Pretty in Black Blog Page before Start of Tour.
Schedule will Include all Teams & Blog Listings and/or Countries
& Topics for each book.
Thanks! Hope to make it Fabulous!
IF you would like to Host an International Blog Team Sign-Up for Your Country/Region,
Set up a Sign-Up Form on your Blog to gather the Bloggers & then Contact Author
via this Form to let her know you have a sign-up List.
Include Name/Blog and any other information required then E-mail it to the Author.
She will E-mail you the Necessary Tour Info & You, The Host
can send to your Bloggers. She Will Add You to Her Contact List
so you will receive the Extras in the Tour, such as the Trailer Release Info.
Sounds great right. For more info please contact Rae Hachton at any of the following links:
How exciting. I read Pretty in Black and Black satin and am looking forward to the next book!