Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #42

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spines. This is a cool way to spotlight a upcoming release that you're anxious about, as well as checking out what other book lovers are anticipating as well. So, check out my WoW this week:


Expected publication: February 4th 2014
Publisher: Harcourt Children's Books
Synopsis via Goodreads:
When Willa Dixon’s brother dies on the family lobster boat, her father forbids Willa from stepping foot on the deck again. With her family suffering, she’ll do anything to help out—even visiting the Grey Man.

Everyone in her small Maine town knows of this legendary spirit who haunts the lighthouse, controlling the fog and the fate of any vessel within his reach. But what Willa finds in the lighthouse isn’t a spirit at all, but a young man trapped inside until he collects one thousand souls.
Desperate to escape his cursed existence, Grey tries to seduce Willa to take his place. With her life on land in shambles, will she sacrifice herself?

Hidden (Avena, #1)Hidden (Avena #1)
Expected publication: June 25th 2013 
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens 
Synopsis via Goodreads:
For as long as Ebony can remember, she's been sheltered. Confined to her home in a secluded valley, home-schooled by her protective parents, and limited to a small circle of close friends. It's as if she's being hidden. But something is changing in Ebony. Something that can't be concealed. She's growing more beautiful by the day, she's freakishly strong, and then there's the fact that she's glowing
On one fateful night, Ebony meets Jordan and she's intensely drawn to him. It's as if something explodes inside of her--something that can be seen from the heavens. Ebony still doesn't know that she's a stolen angel, but now that the heavens have found her, they want her back.

I love the covers of both books. I feel so intrigued and lured in. If that's not reason enough to be waiting on them then I don't know what is. Because I'm itching badly to get my hands on a copy; even ebooks would do :)

What are you waiting on?


  1. I had no idea Saundra Mitchell's new book had its cover revealed! I agree with you, the cover is so gorgeous. The premise sounds kind of spooky and magical at the same time-- I'm intrigued! And I've had my eye on Hidden for awhile now. I hope you get your hands on these soon, great picks! :)

  2. Soooooo cannot wait for Hidden!! Loved Marianne's early books when I was younger! The first is new to me but looks fabulous!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I didn't hear about Mistwalker before, but it sounds very good. And I already heard great things about Hidden (Avena #1). Both awesome covers and picks!

  4. Mistwalker sounds so interesting. I really want to read it asap!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  5. Both of these sound amazing, so thanks for sharing! I'll add them on my list :)

  6. I want to read both of this. I feel like I've been waiting on Mistwalker forever!!!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

    1. That's great! I just found it though :( but thankfully I did.

  7. Oh, I love Saundra Mitchell's other series! I've had Mistwalker on my TBR since I first heard about it, but damn...I didn't realize it was still a year away! Great pick!

  8. Ohh both books is new to me! I haven't read any of Saundra's books yet but looking forward on reading this one! Hidden sounds mystifying just reading that three hears, two worlds, one secret makes me really excited for the book! Awesome picks!

    Check out my Wating on Wednesday pick!

    We Fancy Books

  9. Mistwalker sounds interesting, haven't heard of that one yet.

    My WoW

  10. I really like the sounds of both of these books :) I will definitely like to give them a try :)

    Thanks for stopping by My WW!


  11. I have been meaning to read the Elementals series for a while now. Maybe I'll check this one out first. Great pick!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW! Jen @ YA Romantics

  12. Both look great! I've seen them around a few times but haven't read them yet. Hope you get them soon and like them :)

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  13. Super excited for Hidden! It was my wow awhile ago although now it has a much better cover. Love angel stories. Mistwalker sounds freaky! Some cursed guy trying to collect 1,000 souls and trying to seduce her to take his place?!?! Yikes! LOL Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Oh had no idea the cover used to be something else..thanks for stopping by as well :)

  14. I agree - two fabulous covers!! Especially Hidden... ohmygosh I love, love, LOVE it! Thanks for sharing. :)

  15. I really want to read Mistwalker, and I hate that it's so far away! I've seen a few early ARCS floating around, though.

    My WoW

  16. Both are new to me. i love the sound of Mistwalker! Thanks for sharing and stopping by :)

  17. Hidden sounds awesome. I had an e-arc from NetGalley but I couldn't read it right away and now it's archived... I'll just have to wait for the book to come out. Great pick!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  18. Mistwalker looks so good and I just love that cover!
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW!

  19. Shane, both of these look really great! Thanks for sharing!

    My WOW

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  20. Mistwalker is on my TBR as well! thanks for hopping by my blog:)

  21. Those are great picks! Hidden looks absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, Shane!

  22. Both of these are new to me, they look like great reads though!!

  23. I've heard a lot of good reviews for Hidden, hope you enjoy it!

  24. I agree, Mistwalker sounds awesome!! I love the idea of the local legend :) Thanks for stopping by yesterday!


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