Friday, December 6, 2013

Feature and Follow #69

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

This is a weekly blog hop hosted by the wonderful Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. This week's featured blogger is:

Q: Tell us at least one new or unusual thing you’ve done in 2013.

Wow! This is a hard one because I can't remember anything unusual I did this year. I guess, where writing is concerned, last month was the first time I didn't spend as much time on my blog and finished writing a book in 25 days. I have a tendency to spend months writing, so that's unusual for me. Aside from that, I can't think of anything else.

How about you?


  1. I usually read a book in 2 or 3 days, but the last one also took me a long while to finish.
    New Bloglovin and G+ follower.
    Here's my FF

  2. It seems like lately it's taking me just as long to finish a book which is weird because it usually takes me a day. Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by! It normally takes me around a week to finish a book, except when I really love it :) New follower, too :) Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid

  4. I didn't know you wrote books. How did I miss that?

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Old follower. =)

    1. Lol it's okay. Just another hobby I'm passionate about :)

  5. wow, i didn't know you write books as well. But I'm sure you're enjoying writing and blogging still. Thanks for dropping by my FF earlier. Old follower :)

    1. Thank you. Hope you check them out when you get the chance :)

  6. Wow that's perfect. A book in 25 days. Congrats.
    The fastest for me is three months. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.
    Happy Friday!!

    1. Yeah, now I have a ton of editing though lol

      Good for you. Best of luck with writing and thanks for stopping by!

  7. Wow, I can't even imagine how to finish a book in only 25 days. That's great!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm an old follower.

  8. Congrats on finishing your book, Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    New G+ follower, old GFC and Bloglovin

  9. Writing a book in only 25 days is pretty amazing, Shane!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier :) Have a fantastic Friday!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  10. Whoa, that's fast! Congrats on writing your book. :) Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.

    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  11. WOW! A book in 25 days?! That's amazing, and you must be a genius or something! :)
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog and following! I'm following you via GFC.

  12. New GFC follower.

    Dang, 25 days? I don't write, but I know how long it can sometimes take me just to write the few words in a review.

  13. Wow! That's fast. That story must really have wanted to have been told :)

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  14. Yay for new books!!! Congrats girl(:
    Old Follower
    Happy reading,

  15. Wow! That's incredible! I've been a bad writer myself lately. I am trying to edit my complete book and rework a second one, and I've been very neglectful lately. There have been a few issues that pooped up causing me not to write, but the times surrounding that I have no excuse. I plan to get back to writing soon, but I might push for after the holidays to get serious about since the holidays are crazy enough!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  16. I think I need to cut back on blogging too so that I can get more writing done. It's a balance - trying to keep up with everything.

    Thanks for stopping by Shane.
    Have a great weekend.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  17. Wow an entire book in 25 days?! Congrats!

    Here's My FF

  18. Wow writing a book in 25 days. That's amazing!!!
    Thanks for stopping by and have a nice weekend.

  19. 25 days?!? That is awesome. Huge congrats!!!! Happy Friday ;)

  20. Waw. congratulations on finishing your book.
    New Follower on GFC, Twitter, G+.

  21. Congrats on your book, 25 days is insane!!! I've followed via GFC!

  22. Hi! Did you join the NaNoWriMo? xD Congratz if you have. The unusual thing that happened to me this 2013 is I started blogging about books. Hahahaha.

    Thanks for stopping by Thoughts and Pens. Current follower.

  23. That's quite an achievement to finish writing a book in 25 days - congratulations!!!


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