Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #98 + Giveaway

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spines. This is a cool way to spotlight a upcoming release that you're anxious about, as well as checking out what other book lovers are anticipating as well. Here's what I'm waiting for:

19085549Astray (Gated #2)
by Amy Christine Parker
Release date: August 26th 2014
Publisher: Random House

Synopsis via Goodreads

Lyla is caught between two worlds. The isolated Community that she grew up in and the outside world that she’s navigating for the very first time. The outsiders call the Community a cult, but Pioneer miraculously survived a shooting that should have killed him. Are the faithful members right to stay true to his message? Is this just a test of faith? One thing is for sure: the Community will do anything to bring Lyla back to the fold. 

Trapped in a spider’s web of deception, will Lyla detect the sticky threads tightening around her before it’s too late? She’ll have to unravel the mystery of what Pioneer and the Community are truly up to if she wants to survive.

Suspenseful and chilling, Astray is Amy Christine Parker’s nerve-fraying sequel to Gated. This fast-paced psychological thriller is masterfully plotted and sure to leave goose bumps. Perfect for fans of creepy YA thrillers and contemporary fiction alike.

Why I'm Waiting

I liked Gated. I had no idea Amy was going to continue the story so you can imagine my surprise when I came across the sequel on Goodreads. I like the synopsis and am very intrigued. Now I want to know how Lyla is adjusting to the outside world and what the community is going to do to try to retrieve her. Will they be able to escape Pioneer's control once and for all? I'm so curious now.

What are you waiting for?


  1. Sounds interesting. I've never heard of this one. Here's my pick.

    1. It is an interesting story about a cult. Hope you give it a read :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Naomi. Hope you get a chance to check this one out.

  3. Ooh nice! Been seeing this one around lately! Sounds awesome!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I haven't read the first one so I skimmed over the blurb, but the cover looks pretty! Hope you'll enjoy it :)

  5. I actually haven't read Gated, but it and its sequel both look awesome!
    My WoW

  6. I had no idea there was going to be a sequel! I'm keen to read this too.

    Happy reading, Sharon - Obsession with Books

    1. Yeah I was surprised when I saw it lol hope we both like the sequel :)

  7. I haven't read the first book yet but the blurb is really interesting and intriguing. I'm adding this to my TBR.
    Thank you for sharing this book and for the giveaway! and thank you for stopping by at my blog!

  8. I haven't read Gated yet, yikes, there's so many I need to get too. Loving the redesigned covers though! :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. Yeah I like the redesigns too. I know what you mean, but new books keep coming lol

  9. I can't wait to read this one too! Great choice.

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

  10. Don't remember much about the first, but sounds good and I hope you get to read it soon. Happy hump day!

  11. I haven't heard of this series...this does sound intense and engaging. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  12. I haven't heard of this series before, but it sounds really good. I hope you enjoy reading this one.
    My WoW

    1. Thanks, Sandra. Hope you get a chance to pick it up soon :)

  13. I love that cover! And I hope you get to read Gated soon. Thanks for sharing!

  14. I haven't read the first book yet, but it sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW earlier. :)

  15. I haven't heard of this series but the premise sounds very neat!! Thanks for sharing it :)

    Here's My WoW :)

  16. Great pick! I still need to read the 1st one...

  17. Oh wow. like you, I had no idea there would be a sequel, but I really liked the first one. So great.

  18. Suspenceful/creepy stuff like this is not exactly my style, but I hope you enjoy it!

    My WoW.

  19. Wow! this seems super interesting, creepy, but interesting. Sounds like my type of book!

  20. Oh, this reminds me that I still need to read Gated! I have it on my kindle; I've just never gotten to it. Must change that. Great pick! :)

  21. I haven't heard of this one but now I'm curious. Hope you'll enjoy it when you get to it!

  22. I haven't read Gated, but this cover is really pretty. I hope you enjoy it!

  23. Love this cover! I so need to read this series!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  24. Oh, I didn't know Gated was getting a sequel either!

  25. Love the cover! I haven't read Gated yet but it sounds like an intriguing series! Thanks for stopping by!

  26. Sounds interesting.

  27. Glad to hear you enjoyed the first one! I may have to try out this series!

  28. Haven't read this series yet but I really like the covers! Hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by :)

  29. I've never read gated but I've always been interested in reading it... guess I should really try hard looking for it, thanks for sharing this! :) Nice pick!

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project

  30. Ooh, I love the cover! I haven't read Gated yet although I've heard a bit about it so I don't want to read this blurb (just in case of spoilers). Great pick!

    My WoW .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  31. I'm really curious to see what people think of this one. I enjoyed Gated as well, but I think I'll wait for the reviews to start coming in for this one since I was pretty satisfied with the ending. :) The cover is pretty enticing though!

    Sabrina @ I Heart Y.A. Fiction

  32. Gorgeous cover. Sounds interesting as well.

  33. I haven't heard of this one but It looks like something I would like.

    Great pick! :)

  34. I haven't read Gated but I checked it out on Goodreads and it looks good. And the cover is gorgeous!

    Henna @ Howling for Books

  35. I don't really read Psychological Thriller-themed books but I hope you enjoy this book as you did the first one Shane! And thanks for stopping by my WoW last week! :)

  36. Cult books make me twitchy >.< But I hope you enjoy it! :)

    Thanks for commenting on my WoW last week! Sorry it took so long to comment back! >.<

  37. I remember hearing of the first book, but I never picked it up! I LOVE the sound of this, though, so obviously I should change that. :) I love the new covers, too. Great pick!!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  38. This is my first time hearing about this series but that cover!! It's so beautiful! I would pick up this book just because of how nice the cover is :). Great pick!

    My WoW


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