Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #101

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spines. This is a cool way to spotlight a upcoming release that you're anxious about, as well as checking out what other book lovers are anticipating. Here's what I'm waiting for:

20588931The Fire Artist
by Daisy Whitney
Release date: October 14th 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pre-order: Amazon

Synopsis via Goodreads

A forbidden romance literally heats up in this new fantasy from acclaimed author Daisy Whitney.

Aria is an elemental artist—she creates fire from her hands. But her power is not natural. She steals it from lightning. It’s dangerous and illegal in her world. When she’s recruited to perform, she seizes the chance to get away from her family. But her power is fading too fast to keep stealing from the sky. She has no choice but to turn to a Granter—a modern day genie. She gets one wish at an extremely high price. Aria’s willing to take a chance, but then she falls in love with the Granter . . . and he wants his freedom. Aria must decide what she’s willing to bargain and how much her own heart, body, and soul are worth.

In a world where the sport of elemental powers is the most popular form of entertainment, readers will be swept away by a romance with stakes higher than life and death.

Why I'm Waiting

I don't read much about characters who have such an ability so this one piques my interest. I'm also curious as to how she gets her power from lightning, and what's going to happen with the Granter because from the synopsis I perceive that they fall in love. Sounds like a tough situation. Can't wait to read the story.

What are you waiting for?


  1. OOh nice! That sounds interesting! Totally new to me!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I'm very excited for this too :) Featured it as my WoW a while back :D

    My WoW

  3. This sounds awesome Shane! The cover is spectacular!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  4. This is totally new to me. It sounds really good!! :)

  5. Nice pick. I like this cover more than the original one. This does sound really good.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. Ooh didn't know there was another cover. Have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Loving the cover. This one is new to me - I hope it is worth the wait. Check out our Wow

  7. A new one from Daisy Whitney?! Whelp. I'm in.

    1. Awesome! I haven't read anything by her but I'm really curious about this one. Hope we both enjoy it.

  8. Sounds exciting! And what a gorgeous cover....enjoy! Thanks for sharing...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. It does sound interesting! Hope it's worth your wait! :)

    Thanks for stopping by earlier :)

  10. I've read a few books by this author. I hope you enjoy reading this one!
    My WoW

    1. That's awesome. I still need to try her previous novels.

  11. Love books that have characters with elemental powers. Always interesting to see their takes on it. This sounds good and the cover is awesome. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog!

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

    1. Me too. Can't wait to read the story. Thanks for coming over, Jennifer :)

  12. Ooh that sounds so interesting! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  13. This sounds so good! I haven't read too many Genie books, but I love the sounds of this. And the cover is so pretty, too :) Definitely adding it to my TBR list, thanks for sharing. Hope you love it when it's released!

    My WoW

  14. Interesting -- this is so completely different than the one book I've read by this author (When You Were Here). I hope you enjoy it!

  15. I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds really interesting. I hope you'll like it. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW earlier. :)

  16. This on my list of waits too. lol. I'm a big fan of fantasy. My WoW Gave you a like on FB and followed on Bloglovin :*

  17. Oh cool, this one is new to me! I've only ever seen contemporary books by Daisy Whitney so I'm curious what she will do with this paranormal.

  18. Wow, this one sounds really different in the type of magic that's going on, and really cool (or maybe hot would be a better description, lol!) I hadn't heard of it before, so thanks for sharing!
    My WoW.

  19. This seems really cool! Imma add it to my TBR pile!!

  20. Haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds pretty interesting! Thanks for sharing (:

  21. Fantasy! Will add this to the TBR.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  22. I've never read anything by this author! I hope you enjoy this one when you read it. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  23. Oh, this one sounds really interesting. And what an awesome cover.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  24. Never heard this author before but it sounds interesting! You know it's interesting when there are powers involved!
    New follower:)

  25. This is new to me, but it actually sounds really good! I love the request, and now I want to know what happens. That is kind of an amazing synopsis (way to lure the reader in, it is impressive!) so it makes me really want to read it! Thanks for sharing it and I hope you enjoy it :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  26. Hot damn! This one sounds amazing. Off to goodreads again!
    Thanks for stopping by My WoW earlier! :)

  27. Oh my gawd, yes! I love fire. I love elemental magic. I love genies. Sign. me. up!

    That cover is amazing!!!

  28. I've never read a book with a combination of elemental powers and genies. Definitely keeping my eyes on this one!
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  29. I don't think I paid much attention to this, but I like the sound of it--especially that she gets her power from lightning! :) Great pick!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts


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