Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #69: Snow in Summer & Masks

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spines. This is a cool way to spotlight a upcoming release that you're anxious about, as well as checking out what other book lovers are anticipating as well. So, check out my WoW for this week:

Snow in SummerSnow in Summer
by Jane Yoken
Release date:November 14th 2013
Publisher: Penguin

Synopsis via Goodreads:

An unforgettable take on a favorite fairy tale by multi-award-winning author Jane Yolen

Summer's life in the mountains of West Virginia feels like a fairy tale--her parents dote on her, and she's about to get a new baby brother. 

But when the baby dies soon after he's born, taking their mother with him, Summer's life turns grim. Things get even worse when her father marries a woman who brings poisons and magical mirrors into Summer's world. 

Stepmama puts up a pretty face and Summer's father is under her spell, but Summer suspects she's up to no good--and is afraid she is powerless to stop her.

by E.C. Blake
Release date: November 5th 2013
Publisher: DAW 

Synopsis via Goodreads:

Masks, the first novel in a mesmerizing new fantasy series, draws readers into a world in which cataclysmic events have left the Autarchy of Aygrima—the one land blessed with magical resources—cut off from its former trading partners across the waters, not knowing if any of those distant peoples still live. Yet under the rule of the Autarch, Aygrima survives. And thanks to the creation of the Masks and the vigilance of the Autarch’s Watchers, no one can threaten the security of the empire.

In Aygrima, magic is a Gift possessed from birth by a very small percentage of the population, with the Autarch himself the most powerful magic worker of all. Only the long-vanquished Lady of Pain and Fire had been able to challenge his rule.

At the age of fifteen, citizens are recognized as adults and must don the spell-infused Masks—which denote both status and profession—whenever they are in public. To maintain the secure rule of the kingdom, the Masks are magically crafted to reveal any treasonous thoughts or actions. And once such betrayals are exposed, the Watchers are there to enforce the law.

Mara Holdfast, daughter of the Autarch’s Master Maskmaker, is fast approaching her fifteenth birthday and her all-important Masking ceremony. Her father himself has been working behind closed doors to create Mara’s Mask. Once the ceremony is done, she will take her place as an adult, and Gifted with the same magical abilities as her father, she will also claim her rightful place as his apprentice.

But on the day of her Masking something goes horribly wrong, and instead of celebrating, Mara is torn away from her parents, imprisoned, and consigned to a wagon bound for the mines. Is it because she didn’t turn the unMasked boy she discovered over to the Night Watchers? Or is it because she’s lied about her Gift, claiming she can only see one color of magic, when in truth she can see them all, just as she could when she was a young child?

Whatever the reason, her Mask has labeled her a traitor and now she has lost everything, doomed to slavery in the mines until she dies. And not even her Gift can show Mara the future that awaits her—a future that may see her freed to aid a rebel cause, forced to become a puppet of the Autarch, or transformed into a force as dangerous to her world as the legendary Lady of Pain and Fire.

Why I'm Waiting

I love the intrigued in both covers and synopsis. They sound like really interesting books and I'd like to get back into reading fantasy novels. Masks has a really long and attention pulling description :) so I hope that's a sign the story is great. Snow in Summer is a retelling, I hear, but I'm up for that as well. Would like to step away from contemporary for a while.

What are you waiting for?


  1. Snow in Summer sounds good! Might have to check it out. ^^

    Bieke @ Istyria book blog

  2. These are both really interesting sounding books! I hadn't heard of either of them before, but they both got my interest. Great picks! My WoW.

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  3. Snow in the Summer looks pretty good. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for sharing!
    My WoW

  4. Oh wow both of these sound awesome and of course I love the covers. Great picks!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  5. They both look so intriguing! I haven't heard of them before, but I'm glad I stopped by and got the chance to see how great they are. Amazing picks! :)

  6. Masked sounds fascinating! Great picks! I'll put it on my list of books to check out. Thank you!

    Ellen @ Glamorous Book Lounge

  7. The covers are so pretty, must read :) I love retellings of fairy tales so Snow in the Summer is definitely one im looking out for! Masks sounds really intriguing as well, great picks :)

    Here's my WoW

  8. Jane Yolen rocks fairy tales. I am so looking forward to that one.

  9. Great picks! These look really interesting, I'm gonna have to check them out.

    Thanks for sharing (:

    Check out my WoW!

  10. I have yet to read anything by these authors but Snow in Summer sounds like something I would like :-)
    Thanks for stopping by my pick Shane

  11. I really like the cover of snow in summer! Seems very good!

  12. I don't know if Masks is one I'd read, but Snow in Summer sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog
    My WoW

  13. I will have to check these out on Goodreads. They both sound really good. Great choices.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  14. Oh wow, both of these sound really good! I'll have to add them to my TBR list!

  15. Sounds good! Thank you for stopping by my blog. :D

  16. Both of your picks sound cool! Hope you enjoy them <3

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My WoW

  17. Masks sounds fascinating! Thanks for introducing me to two new books! These both look really good!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  18. Some interesting picks that I haven't heard before. Definitely worth checking out. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW.

  19. Never heard of either of these! But I hope you read and enjoy them sometime soon :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  20. Nice picks, Shane. They both have really nice covers. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Snow in Summer sounds fantastic, I definitely need to keep my eyes peeled for it. Thanks for the introduction!

  22. Ooh nice picks!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  23. These are both new to me! I like fairy tale retellings and Masks looks pretty exciting. Thanks for stopping by!

  24. I've not heard of either of these books, but Masks looks interesting :) Thanks for stopping by My WW!


  25. Snow in Summer looks interesting! Thanks for dropping by!

  26. I love your picks! Snow in Summer sounds like a great book, I'm definitely adding it to my TBR list(:

    My WoW :)

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  27. Both books sound very intriguing! Great picks!

    My WoW:

  28. Thanks for picking Masks for your WoW post. I'm certainly looking forward to it coming out. :)

  29. I didn't know that Jane had a new book coming out! Exciting!
    My WoW

  30. These sounds good. Hope you get to read it soon.

  31. The Snow in Summer cover looks so cool and the book sounds interesting too.
    Here's mine:

  32. Snow and Summer sounds good! I'm adding that to my pile. :)

  33. I love the sound of Snow in Summer - definitely adding it to my list.

    Masks is completely new to me...I'll have to do some more research on that one:)

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

  34. Snow in Summer looks great. Great choices!

  35. I like the cover of Snow in Summer. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Snow in Summer sounds of interesting! definitely have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by our blog

    Check Out Our Current Giveaway

  37. Snow in Summer looks like one I have to check out. Nice pick and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  38. I love a good fantasy, and Masks sounds and looks fabulous. Daw always has amazing releases.

  39. These are both new to me. I love a good fairy tale retelling! I will have to give Snow in Summer a try.

  40. All of these books look lovely! Thanks for sharing :)

    Jules of Jules Bookshelf

  41. Both books sound great! And I LOVE those covers!! Great picks!!

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swoons

  42. Very interesting! I hope you enjoy them both!! :)

  43. I didn't know about Snow in Summer - the cover looks strangely familiar but I like what the book summary offers. Masks sounds really good too. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Yay for Snow in Summer! I'm always on the look out for fairy tale retelling so thanks so much for sharing this. And thanks for stopping by my blog too!

    Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

  45. I love retelling and it sounds amazing....adding to my TBR now. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by =)

  46. Wow look at those covers!! They both look awesome :D

    Thanks for sharing!
    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    Check out what I'm waiting on!

  47. ohh cool! This sounds really interesting. I haven't heard of it before! Great pick

    My WoW

  48. Oh Snow in Summer sounds great! I saw the cover and was immediately intrigued. And then I started reading the description and realized it was a retelling of Snow White! Love fairy tale retellings - definitely adding to my TBR!

  49. Oh wow! Both of those sound amazing! I love that the first one is a retelling of Snow White! I'll definitely be adding that one to my TBR. Masks sounds really intriguing too.
    Great picks!

  50. Oh awesome! Both of these sounds pretty good :)

  51. Awesome picks girl!! Hope you enjoy them!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  52. I have to admit that the cover of Masks sort of freaks me out. I hope you enjoy them when they are release!
    Thanks for stopping by my post.
    Jenn @ Books and Swoons


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