Friday, June 15, 2012

Feature & Follow 6/15

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme host by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. This week's question is:

Q: Happy Father’s Day! Who is your favorite dad character in a book and why?
Nevermore (Nevermore, #1)  Enshadowed (Nevermore, #2)

My answer would have to be Isobel's dad in Nevermore. I know, I know. I'm completely obsessed with this book but whatever. Isobel's dad is awesome! And unlike all the other YA dads who are either dead, absent, or straight up terrible. Mr. Lanley is ever present in his daughter's life. I absolutely love what he did towards the end of the story. He's so supportive. Not a lot of fathers are like that in these novels.

Which YA dad did you pick?


  1. interesting thought! Now that I think about it the main key parent is usually the mum and not so much the dad. To be honest the one that I enjoyed as a character would be Charlie Swan from Twilight series. He starts off as rather closed off and even a little cold, but as the series advances new sides are seen and emotion transpires. His relationship with Bella takes new leaps and twists. I like how despite his personality he bends and changes for his daughter and her happiness.
    I will def be paying more attention now to the dad characters! They should not be overlooked!

    1. Yea, I think his character is the only one i liked in sorry to the twi-hards

  2. I haven't read these books, but I really want to. I fell so behind on my TBR list, but I'll get there one day!
    Awesome choice!

    New follower
    Here's my FF:

  3. I haven't read Nevermore >.>
    I should probably get on that. Been wanting to, but there's just so many other books I want to read!

    Stop by my Friday Hops?

  4. I haven't read these. They sound interesting! I'm a new follower.

    Here is my FF:

  5. I LOVE Nevermore!!! And can't wait for Enshadowed. Great choice!

    I didn't do a post for this topic on my blog, but in my head I chose Mr. Bennett from Pride and Prejudice -- my kind of dad!

  6. Hopping through. I still need to read Nevermore. I've heard such good things about it. I really want to.
    My Hop

    1. It really is amazing. Thanks for stopping by, and for hosting this cool meme.

  7. Haven't read Nevermore but I want to :) New follower :) If you'd like to follow back my FF is Here
    Chrystina @Bookliaison

  8. Hi, I am a new follower, I don't know those books , but will check them out. Here is my FF Post

  9. I don't know Nevermore, but Mr. Bennett and Charlie are both good choices. I also like Mr. Langslow in Donna Andrews's Meg Langslow mysteries and Stevic Gladheon in Kristen Britain's Green Rider series. :)

  10. It would have to be Bella's dad, Charlie Swan, from Twilight. He has such an amazing, dry sense of humour. He was the character who I really enjoyed as he had such fantastic one liners.

  11. Shane I LOVED Nevermore!!! I can't wait for Enshadowed. Oh Varen *sigh*

    I can't think of a good dad that I loved in a book off the top of my head. Hmm....


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