Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stacking the Shelves #44


This is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, where you showcase all the books you've received in the past week. Check out my haul:

[click on image for info]

Paperback Copies for Review:
Half Lives Where Beauty Lies
Brooklyn Girls The Wonder Bread Summer: A Novel
Hero (Woodcutter Sisters #2)

*Special thanks to Little Brown, St. Martin's Griffin, Harper Perennial, and Harcourt for these gifts.

Purchased at Building #19:
Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1) The Catastrophic History of You and Me

Both were under $2.00 and since I've always wanted to read them I decided why not. 

So, those are all the books I've gotten this week. What's in your haul?


  1. I love Anna and the French Kiss! It is amazing. I just recently finished Enchanted and can't wait for Hero to come out. Great haul. I hope you enjoy them all. MY STS

    Carson @ Reader with Voice

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed that one too :)

  2. So many fun and awesome looking reads this week! Hope you have fun digging in!
    My STS

  3. Curious about Brooklyn Girls. Been seeing it everywhere. Catastrophic History of You and Me sounds good but sad. But for such a steal they are well worth it!

    My Stack

  4. Anna is a really great book! Nice haul:)

    My StS:

  5. Hooray for Half Lives! I'm reading it right now and it's kinda good so far. I hope you enjoy Anna and the French Kiss- it's one of my favorites <3

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

    1. Ooh nice..hope you enjoy it then. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Wow! Congrats on all of your goodies Shane! I've heard Anna and the French Kiss is an outstanding story! I don't recognize any of the other books you got, but look forward to reading your book reviews!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  7. Happy reading to you.

    I haven't heard of these books except for the last two. I will check out the others.

    Andreea @

  8. Great Haul! I loved Anna and the Catastrophic History. I'm an old follower via GFC but I started following you via bloglovin since GFC is going away :D

    Christy @ Christy’s Book Addiction

  9. Where Beauty Lies looks good. I still have to read the first one. I love the covers of those books!! Hope you enjoy them!

  10. Under two dollars!! What a deal, hope you enjoy them. Anna is one of my favorites. This is what caught my arrow

  11. I have seen so much about Anna and the French Kiss but I've not read it. I hope you enjoy them all!

    SS @ My Friends Are Fiction

  12. Nice books for under $2! I've had Anna and the French Kiss for a while, but it just can't seem to make its way to the top of my TBR.

    My STS

    1. O_O hope we both get a chance to read it soon then.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Curious to see what you think of Half Lives! Enjoy all your books and thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

  14. You got some great ones. I loved Anna and the French Kiss. Come and see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  15. Great book haul! I really liked Catastrophic History. Brooklyn Girls, The Wonder Bread Summer, & Where Beauty Lies all look good. Enjoy!

  16. I'm so jealous that you got a copy of Where Beauty Lies because I read the book before that and I enjoyed it a lot! So I can't wait to get my hands on that one. Thanks so much for stopping by my IMM :-)

    Paige @ Comfort Books

  17. half lives sounds great, hope you enjoy

  18. I hope you love Anna & the French Kiss as much as I did! What a great price! Enjoy your reads, Shane, and thanks for visiting The Readers Den. :)

  19. Great haul Shane! Hero looks really interesting, I think this is the first time I've seen it. Have fun reading:)

  20. Half Lives looks really interesting :) Thanks for stopping by!


  21. Y'know... I legit feel as though I am the only person in the blogosphere who hasn't yet read Anna and the French Kiss. Everyone has read and everyone has raved about it. Maybe I should stop living under a rock and pick up a copy. Lol! Great haul!
    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

  22. Oh, HERO!! I'm jealous in a good way! :P Hope you enjoy!

    Anna is one of my favorites - hope you love it too!

  23. I simply adore cover for Hero. :)
    Happy reading! Hope you enjoy them all!
    Thanks for stopping by my STS

  24. Great haul! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Kacii @ The Kooky Bookworm

  25. Great haul! Anna and the French Kiss is such a fun book, and I love the cover for Hero! Enjoy them, and thanks for stopping by :)

  26. Sorry it took so long fo rme to stop by. I got Brooklyn Girls (e copy) and it looks ppretty good. The cover to HERO is GORG! I missed her at BEA I was bummed.
    What is Building 19? I think Id have a blast there if its a cheap book store!
    Thank you Shane for stopping by and saying hi :)
    Bella's Shelf

  27. These are some great books, I really hope you enjoy them all :)
    Thank you for stopping by - and sorry it took so long to return the favour.
    Have a great week :)


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