Monday, November 3, 2014

Review: Four Houses by Victoria Scott

A Short Story
Release date: July 22nd 2014
Purchase: Amazon

Synopsis via Goodreads:
A frightened girl. 

An empty field. 

Four houses. 

Which house would you choose?

FOUR HOUSES is a dark short story told in an unusual format that leaves readers wondering how they'd react if found in the same situation as seventeen-year-old Maddy.

*Purchased ebook via Amazon

This one's been out for a while and I'd wanted to read it for so long. Finally I got the chance. So at first when I started reading the story, I was confused. But then I became intrigued and wanted to figure out what was taking place. I drew a couple of conclusions. One was that Maddy was at a party and was drunk, and the other was that she was insane and in a mental institution. You can only imagine the eye opener I got when I realized what had really happened at the end of the story. 

Four Houses is well-written and very interesting. Victoria had my attention throughout the craziness. When it came to the end, I realized the purpose of the various guys and what they represented in her life. It was all so twisted and intense. I was freaked out a few times. But nothing scared me like the ending. Never saw that coming. 

Overall, this was a great short story and as sad as it was at the end, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Another wonderful reading experience with a Victoria Scott writing.


  1. You definitely has my curiosity piqued. I love stories that mess with your head.

  2. OOooh nice! I still need to get this one! I still need to read the last book in her Dante trilogy! As you might see, I'm very behind on her books! At least too much for me to be happy about! LOL!

    But great review! I do need to get this one stat!

    1. You're not the only one. I haven't started Dante Walker yet. Need to catch up too

  3. I completely love stories that mess with your mind and make you think and just when you think you have it all figured out the author throws a wrench into it and you have to start all over again.

    Wonderful review!

    1. Thank you. Yeah this one had me all over the place trying to figure out what's happening.

  4. I hope you enjoy it when you get to read it. Also give Fire & Flood a try. That was good.

  5. I've not read this one yet and it sounds great. After reading your review, I think I will go and grab this one.

    1. It is a great short story. Wish it was a novel cause it was intense.


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