Wednesday, January 13, 2016

CAN'T WAIT TO READ: The Prophecy of Shadows by Michelle Madow

Series: Elementals #1
Release date: January 26th 2016
Publisher: Dreamscape Publishing
Purchase: Amazon

Synopsis via Goodreads:
Filled with magic, thrilling adventure, and sweet romance, Elementals is the first in a new series that fans of Percy Jackson and The Secret Circle will love! 

When Nicole Cassidy moves from sunny Georgia to gloomy New England, the last thing she expects is to learn that her homeroom is a cover for a secret coven of witches. Even more surprisingly … she’s apparently a witch herself. Despite doubts about her newfound abilities, Nicole is welcomed into this ancient circle of witches and is bedazzled by their powers—and, to her dismay, by Blake—the school’s notorious bad-boy.

Girls who get close to Blake wind up hurt. His girlfriend Danielle will do anything to keep them away, even if she must resort to using dark magic. But the chemistry between Blake and Nicole is undeniable, and despite wanting to protect Nicole from Danielle’s wrath, he finds it impossible to keep his distance.

When the Olympian Comet shoots through the sky for the first time in three thousand years, Nicole, Blake, Danielle, and two others in their homeroom are gifted with mysterious powers. But the comet has another effect—it opens the portal to the prison world that has contained the Titans for centuries. After an ancient monster escapes and attacks Nicole and Blake, it’s up to them and the others to follow the clues from a cryptic prophecy so that they can save their town … and possibly the world.

Michelle MadowAbout the Author
Michelle Madow grew up in Baltimore, graduated Rollins College in Orlando, and now lives in Boca Raton, Florida. She wrote her first book in her junior year of college, and has been writing novels since. Some of her favorite things are: reading, pizza, traveling, shopping, time travel, Broadway musicals, and spending time with friends and family. Michelle has toured across America to promote her books and to encourage high school students to embrace reading and writing. Someday, she hopes to travel the world for a year on a cruise ship.

Follow her on: 
Twitter: @MichelleMadow
Instagram: @MichelleMadow


  1. This one does look really good and that cover is gorgeous!! I hope you love it when you get a copy! :D

    Here's my WoW!

  2. I haven't read anything by this author before. I hope you enjoy this book!
    Thanks for stopping by My WoW.

  3. I've loved some Michelle's books before and this one sounds really good. It's been a while since I read something like this.
    Great pick, Shane!
    Lis @ The reader lines

  4. Very excited for this one as well! I've got an egalley that I'll be reading for part of a tour at the end of the month! Great pick! Thanks for visiting my WOW earlier!

    1. Ooh is it on netgalley? Going to check. Hope you enjoy it:)

  5. Omg I want to read this so bad!!! I just requested it on Netgalley... Hopefully my request gets accepted!

  6. I have been seeing this one around quite a lot. It sounds great!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  7. I've read Michelle Madow's Remebrance and nothing else, but I do hope to get back to the author's books sometime. Your pick sounds really nice, and I hope you love it once you read it. Nice pick!

    Thank you for sharing and for stopping by my post earlier. Happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  8. Oh, I hadn't heard of this before, but that cover's amazing. And it sounds great too. I hope you get to read, and enjoy, it soon. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW earlier. :)

    1. The cover is awesome! I hope I do get to read it. Thanks for coming by too :)

  9. That cover really grabbed my attention right away. I love it. The description sounds pretty amazing as well. I love a good story about witches. I will have to look out for some reviews for this one. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I think I'm more intrigued by the title and cover, and I like that it's fantasy :)

  11. Looking forward to this one as well :) I love Michelle's books!

  12. I hope you'll enjoy this one, Shane!

  13. I do love the cover to this one! I hope that all the covers in the series are like it.


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