Monday, September 3, 2012

Review: Dissolve by Andrea Heltsley

Welcome to my stop on the Andrea Heltsley Dissolve blog tour, hosted by AToMR. Check out my review below:


Published: April 4th 2012
Purchase: Amazon | B&N 
*ecopy provided by author for an honest review.
Synopsis via Goodreads:
Everything seemed to be going right for Cora. She had a wonderful fiance, a great best friend and a fulfilling life. One day, a tragic event caused that life to crumble around her. She turned to her best friend in her time of need. They embarked on a search for answers, delving deeper into a web of magic and destruction. The closer they got to the truth, the more questions they had. To Cora, magic was the stuff of fairy tales. Immersed into a very different kind of world, the real storm was just beginning to take hold.

~My Review~

I went into this novel with high expectations (not good). I just thought the description sounded good. The story was interesting and new but there were moments where it was too cheesy. The pace was very fast, something I like, but it was so fast that it seemed rushed. And in return, some of the things said seemed off in several moments. I felt like I didn't get a chance to connect with the characters, especially Cora. 

When everything started happening I got lost in the midst. But before that, I couldn't understand why Cora was acting in such a way when she's on the verge of getting married. Like, her behavior just seemed like that of a 18 year old who was dating a grown man. But that aside, I did feel displeased about what happened to him, its her and Nessa's reaction to the event that I found out of place.

The story truly left me with mixed feelings, but I can appreciate its authenticity, and the writing was good. Dissolve overall was interesting throughout, but unfortunately I didn't get fireworks. Still, don't let this prevent you from trying the book. It might be a whole different experience for you.

Andrea HeltsleyAbout the Author
I am a biology nerd who decided it was more fun writing than dissecting. I have written two novels and my third will be out this summer. I live on coffee and read like a robot. My husband and two italian greyhounds usually have to tear me away from the computer...imagine that. :)


  1. huh.. i hate when i start a book with high expectations then get disappointed! Nice that its fast paced, but like you said, if too fast then it'll just seem rushed. And im not a fan of cheesy books, dont think ill be picking this up! Thanks for your honest review!
    - Farah @MajiBookshelf

    1. ohh don't let my opinion keep you from trying it you might think differently after reading it.

  2. Thanks for the honest review and thanks for taking the time to read it:)
    Andrea Heltsley

  3. Oh, I hate having high expectations on a book, then it doesn't live up to it.. And a book that feels too rushed, to me, doesn't feel natural.
    Good review!!!

    Magen Corrie
    ~Corrie the book, crazed girl

  4. Sounds like an interesting book. Too bad your expectations were set high and it wasn't everything you wanted. Its hard to get into a book if you can't connect with the characters so that is disappointing to hear. Thanks for the review :)

  5. The story seems interesting. Sorry about the pacing and lack of info. Nice, honest review!

  6. High expectations can lead to disappointment. Fast paced is good but character connection is so important and with that I think it just depends on every individual.

  7. I really enjoyed her book Dreamwalker, but I wasn't crazy about Dissolve. I just couldn't get into it and it wasn't what I expected either. I think it might be something some people would like. Dreamwalker was so much better. Great review. Thanks for sharing.


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