Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #63 Thornhill & Claiming Jeremiah

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spines. This is a cool way to spotlight a upcoming release that you're anxious about, as well as checking out what other book lovers are anticipating as well. So, check out my WoW for this week:

Thornhill (Hemlock, #2)Thornhill (Hemlock #2)
by Kathleen Peacock
Release date: September 10th 2013
Publisher: HarperCollins

Synopsis via Goodreads:

Mac can’t lose another friend. Even if he doesn’t want to be found.

The ripple effect caused by Mac’s best friend Amy’s murder has driven Mac’s new love, Kyle, to leave Hemlock and disappear from her life forever. But Mac knows that Kyle plans to enroll in a rehabilitation camp, where he can live with other werewolves. She refuses to accept his decision, especially since the camps are rumored to be tortuous. So she sets out in search of Kyle with a barely sober Jason—and Amy’s all-seeing ghost—in tow.

Clues lead Mac to find Kyle in a werewolf den in Colorado—but their reunion is cut short by a Tracker raid. Now Mac and Kyle are trapped inside the electric fences of Thornhill, a camp for young werewolves. As she devises an escape plan, Mac uncovers dangerous secrets buried within the walls of Thornhill—and realizes that the risk to the people she loves is greater than ever before.

Claiming JeremiahClaiming Jeremiah
by Missy B. Salick
Release date: April 4th 2013
Publisher: JJ Autumn Publishing

Synopsis via Goodreads:

On the same night that twenty four-year-old Jordyn Sims has a miscarriage, her sister-in-law Tori Sims conceives a child. Nine months later, Tori, a long term heroin addict, abandons her two-hour-old drug addicted newborn Jeremiah, in a hospital stairwell. Jordyn receives the news and pursues foster adoption. However, Oscar, Tori's possessive drug-addicted boyfriend, is not about to give Jeremiah up so easily. While in confrontation with Tori and Oscar, Jordyn seeks help from the Administration of Children Services (ACS), only to discover she is faced with a maze of departments, regulations, legalities and overworked social workers. Jordyn, however, remains strong and continues to push through the uphill battle, even after she discovers she's pregnant.

With all odds against her adoption of Jeremiah, and her pregnancy at high risk from increasing stress, will Jordyn win this tough battle, or will her world crumble before her?

Why I'm Waiting

These two are obviously very different novels but I wanted to read something emotionally driven and close to reality, while keeping my love for fantasy and mystery satisfied. 

What are you waiting for?


  1. Dying to read Thornhill!! Great picks!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I've been meaning to read the first book to Thornhill :) Great picks!

    My WW!

    1. Hope you get the chance to read it. The story is actually interesting :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I still haven't read Hemlock but I'm planing to :) I haven't hear of the other one but sounds interesting. Great picks :)

    Tanja @ Ja Ĩitam, a ti?

  4. I didn't read Hemlock yet, but I can't wait to start it. This series sounds really great :)
    My WoW

  5. I still haven't read Hemlock! I shall have to read it soon :0)
    Great pick and thank you very much for sharing.

    Heres my Waiting on Wednesday

    Once Upon a Moonlight Review...

    1. Thanks for coming over. Hope you enjoy it when you do get the chance to read it :)

  6. Interesting pick :) Reminds me that I still need to read Hemlock!
    My WoW

  7. Claiming Jeremiah sounds pretty hairy...I don't know if I could take it!! But I hope you get a chance to read it. Thornhill looks great, although I haven't read Hemlock yet.

    Here's my WOW.

  8. Nice picks! Thornhill looks good, may have to check that series out! :D
    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I'm quite intrigued by Hemlock and Thornhill, so I'm hoping I can get to read those soon! Can't wait for your review of Thornhill btw!

    My WoW:

    1. Hope you do and hope I like the sequel :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Wow those look awesome! I've been looking for a good emotional read for awhile now and know how you feel. Great picks!

  11. Those are both nice picks. Thanks for sharing, Shane!

  12. Both great picks! I've had Hemlock on my TBR list for what seems like forever. Hopefully I can read it soon. Thanks for sharing! :)

  13. Both of these sound good. Great picks!

  14. I haven't read Hemlock yet, but Thornhill looks like a good read. Guess I had better get around to it! Also, I'm not sure if it's just me, but when I first tried to comment the captcha timed out on me, so I just wanted to let you know :)

  15. Thornhill cover looks awesome and the description definitely sounds interesting! Great picks =)

  16. I haven't had a chance to read Hemlock yet, but it's on my list. Love the cover for Thornhill! I'm not sure I could read Claiming Jeremiah. A little too close to reality for me, I think, and would probably be a very emotional read. Hope you enjoy both of these when they release though!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW earlier!

    Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

  17. Ahh I still need to read Hemlock! I'm so behind. Great picks.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  18. I've seen a lot of hype for Thornhill, but I haven't even read Hemlock yet! I'm an old lady, behind on the times :P

    - Allie @ Little Birdie Books

  19. These sound great. Hope you get to read it soon.

  20. Thornhill sounds like my kind of book. Will have to check the Hemlock series out!!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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